When "green" becomes "blue"... The autumn school on eco-responsible ICT and digital sobriety in networks and distributed systems
7-11 Oct 2024 Beg Meil (France)

Eco-ICT 2024 autumn school : when "green" becomes "blue"

While planetary limits are being exceeded on all sides, ICT continues to grow in terms of infrastructures, services and usages. This growth is natural (new incomers) but above all, amplified by systemic and rebound effects. Thus, the impact of digital technology continues to increase unchecked as a result of ever-increasing runaway factors and technological advances, from AI to 5G.

Beyond energy efficiency, it is crucial to address the various impacts of digital solutions in the complete life cycle of ICT as research and societal challenges.

The Eco-ICT 2024 school (Autumn School on eco-responsible ICT and digital sobriety in networks and distributed systems) will address the multi-facet of sobriety, sufficiency and eco-responsibility of ICT.

Experiences and expertise from academia, institutions and industry will be shared and challenged through plenary talks, workshops styles exchanges, posters sessions and converstations sessions.

This research school is organized by the GDR RSD, the Inria-OVHcloud FrugalCloud challenge and the GDS EcoInfo. It will be held from October 7 to 11, 2024 on the ocean shore in the pretty “barbapapa”-style village of Beg Meil near Quimper. It is aimed at doctoral students, postdoctoral, researchers, teacher-researchers. Eco-ICT 2024 school will be a five-day, in-person school. The language used during the school will be English.


Important : registration

Participating to the school is free (food and lodging included). Participants have to take on their own budget for their travel trips between their location and the school.

Due to a limited number of seats, a selection will be based on motivation of why people want to participate to the school. The organizers will elaborate on a geographical and institutional equilibrium when selecting participants.

In the registration form, please provide a short CV and a motivation text (explaining why it is important for you to participate in the school).

If you are PhD student or a post-doc, it is required to submit a short signed recommendation letter from your advisor explaining why your participation to the school is important for you/your research topic/your career (in submission tab).

Registration is open up to September 9, 2024. A list of accepted participants will be confirmed on September 9, 2024.


The Eco-ICT 2024 autumn school is sponsored by : FrugalCloud Inria-OVHcloud challenge, GDR CNRS RSD, GDS EcoInfo

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In case you want to contact us : use the following mailing list : eco-ict-2024@sciencesconf.org

Laurent Lefevre (Inria, Lyon) - Anne-Cécile Orgerie (CNRS, Rennes) - Marilou Gaborel (IRISA, Rennes) - Chrystelle Mouton (Inria, Lyon)


The school is accessible from the Quimper train station. A bus will be organized on Monday afternoon (3.30pm) from Quimper train station up to the school location. Another bus will be organized on Friday after lunch to bring participants back from school location up to Quimper train station.


The Eco-ICT 2024 school will be held in Villages Clubs du Soleil - Le Ty Nod - 29170 FOUESNANT - France

Beg Meil


 Beg Meil





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